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To Receive, First You Must Ask

giftIn the last year, I’ve made the commitment to myself, to eat organically grown food, to avoid chemicals as much as possible, to eliminate processed sugar, caffeine, and finally to transition to a vegan diet (currently in process). I want to preface the former statement by saying, all of these things I have felt guided to do.

I am by no means suggesting that this is the “How to eat a good diet” type of story. We’re all different, with unique metabolisms, no two people are going to eat the same way.  Always follow your personal guidance

I know without question,  that I have been divinely guided every step of the way to make dietary and lifestyle changes. I have become extremely sensitive, which also includes making the transition to non-chemical natural-based household cleaners. One of my favorite product lines for Natural cleaners is Seventh Generation. (More on that in another blog!)

This brings me to a story I felt guided to share. Yesterday, I went out shopping to my local natural health-food store. I have become a frequent shopper to this store, and I was given a gift certificate as a birthday gift from some friends. It had taken me a considerable amount of time to redeem the gifted amount, and in that time, amongst the shuffle of papers, I had misplaced my copy of the redeem slip for the certificate. I should mention, here, that for the last several months, my angels have been guiding me to work on my giving to receiving ratio, lovingly telling me that my capacity to allow myself to receive is far out of balance with my comfort level in giving to others. The angels also tell me, I am not alone.

Many of us struggle with this, which is the very thing that inspired me to write this blog. For many years, I have been acutely sensitive, to “bothering” people, worrying about “inconveniencing” them, “putting people out” or not allowing anything or anyone to “fuss” over me.

Another classic example of my inability to allow myself to receive was with complements. Even until very recently, (I’d say the last 2 months), if someone gave me a compliment, I would find a way to either deflect what was said, and shift the conversation back to the other person, or flat-out deny the compliment literally, and declare myself unworthy of it. In either case, I was refusing to receive or accept the love given from others. Isn’t that sneaky? In the past I didn’t even realize, I was denying myself. But, I sure have noticed, now that I am making a conscious effort to shift, allow and receive compliments by taking them in, and saying thank you!

Are you unknowingly denying yourself opportunities to receive?

As I waited at the till in the health food store for my grocery total, my intuition spoke so loud it was deafening. “Ask about your gift certificate!” I did just that. I had no attachment to whatever would happen, I simply trusted I was being guided. I explained how I’d misplaced the slip, but wondered if the store might have a record of a purchased gift certificate?

The clerk was happy to check for me, and after a few moments of searching, was able to produce the receipt with my name on it!  The store happy to honour my voucher.

The clerk herself unknowingly confirmed the intuitive voice of my angels and guides. She gave me validation, I had heard, and followed though as I was guided. “You don’t ask, you don’t get!” She smiled.

If I had spent time playing small and worrying about asking, as I have done so many times before, I would have missed out on a lovely opportunity to receive, thank you, Angels. xo