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Avocado’s – The Good Fat

On my personal journey toward spiritual work on myself, I was guided by spirit to change my diet a lot.  This was and still is a process for me.  But I know that I am being guided to eat foods that are healthy for me, and let go of things in my diet that were not serving me.(Cafine and gluten were big ones for me).  I've been a vegetarian since 2008 but now I am eating an organic menu and I'm transitioning to a more Vegan diet as I am guided.  Even though I considered myself a vegetarian for several years.  I really didn't eat enough vegetables, and they certainly were not chemical free organically grown vegetables.  Now, I've significantly increased my fresh organic vegetable intake daily.

Fresh Salad Avocado's have become a staple good healthy food for me. Aside from the olive, avocado's are the second highest fruit source of monounsaturated fatty acids, Avocado's are used in Chinese Medicine and are known for lung and intestinal health.  Nourishes and cleanses the blood.  Excellent for organ health and treats ulcers.  Contrary to belief that avocado's are "fatty"  the fats in avocado actually boost healthy metabolism and even reduce overeating.  Avocados contain 3 times more potassium than banana's.  Avacodo's are a high source of iron and copper as well as phosphorous and magnesium.  They are low in sodium as well as sugar and starch.  They are full of folic acid , vitimin A, Vitimin B complexes vitimin C & E. Avacado's are proven to:

  • Cleanse thr blood and regulate blood pressure
  • Protect eyesight
  • Improve Cholesterol levels
  • Moisturize and prevent dhydration
  • Increases he ability to absorb phytonutrients
  • Bossts the immune system
  • Prevent Morning Sickness
  • Prevent prostate cancer