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Spirit Junkie

Spirit Junkie was the first book I read when spirit guided me to the astounding coaching work of Gabrielle Bernstein.  You can read more about my blessed journey to my intuitive coaching work with angels by reading my blog most My Journey To Angels. Gabby became a mentor of mine and her book “Spirit Junkie” quite literally transformed me.

  Spirit Junkie When I read the book, I could relate so much to her story.  Although the details of our lives were very different, we had both overcome adversity in our lives to be guided toward inquisitive coaching work,  Gabby’s teachings are inspired by a metaphysical  spiritual text called A course In Miracles.  Spirit Junkie is her personal autobiography detailing her journey as both a teacher and a student of the course.

One of Gabby’s many gifts lies in her ability to take the often heady text of A Course In Miracles and demystify it’s core concepts making them more accessible to a younger generation (The very reason I was guided to her work and resonated so deeply with how she communicated course principles). Spirit Junkie was my first exposure to A Course In Miracles and it was enough for me to know from a profound place inside  that the course was an integral part of my path. fear

I too consider myself both a student and a teacher of A course In Miracles. Let me delve briefly in to some fundamental A Course In Miracles concepts At the core of the course is the key concept of the split mind. We all have an ego. The part of our mind that is the fear voice. The part of our minds that believes we are separate from spirit, God, source, spirit whatever you want to call the energy of spiritual truth. When we are tuning into the ego (the voice of fear) it is often unconscious because no one would willingly choose fear if they knew there was a better way. That fear voice unknowingly causes us to turn away from the voice of truth which is love, self love, spirit, forgiveness and faith. The ego’s tiny mad idea , and we as Gabby calls it causes our ego mind to create false projections of our reality, and we carry those projections with us and replay them over and over again in our belief systems about ourselves,, our relationships with other people, and even our perceptions of past events and situations. It isn’t that the voice of spirit aka love isn’t always within us, it’s that the voice of fear (ego) blocks the truth that love is already there.

Through the process of forgiveness we bring the voice of fear into the light and remove blocks to the awareness of loves presence. Sounds pretty deep right? It is. But it’s actually much simpler  than it sounds. It’s the ego part of our mind that makes things complicated. Because once we shed light on fear it has no power over us any longer and love illumines every area of our life. I can’t even begin to describe how much this book has been trans formative in my life and helped me release crazy crap that was holding me hostage.  I would recommend it to anyone.  Even if you disagree with some of the material, you are bound to glean insight from it.