Tag Archives: Coarse


You Are Not Your Body

A few weeks ago I had a moment where I felt as though I was being judged.  An exchange occurred, and a comment was made in passing in reference to something physical about me.  The actual comment are not relevant, but I felt called to blog about this because so many of us can  feel judged by others, judged by something outside of ourselves, even judged by God.

Judgement is always an illusion of fear, to keep us stuck, to hold us back, to keep us playing small.

The experience prompted me to do some soul-searching and investigate why I felt judged.  First.I allowed myself to react to my feelings, and my perception of the “judgement” Then I went to the text of “A Course In Miracles. next, the teachings of Abraham Hicks, and I  asked the angels for guidece,  What I received  was a knowing that in truth there is no judgement.  Judgement is not real.  This was hard for me to accept at first, because for me, when I felt as though my physical body was being judged that felt very vividly painful/  I felt as though the comment was cutting straight to the core of every flaw I’d ever felt about my body.  It brought up feelings that I wasn’t good enough, that these apparent flaws implied there was something wrong with me.  I felt instantly unattractive, my spirit sunk as I began to wonder if people really saw me as something that needed to be fixed as  I felt these comment suggested.

Was I really something that just needed to be fixed?

Make no mistake, the person involved had no malicious intent, in fact, I’m sure they felt their comment was harmless. People are often completely unaware of the power their words can have when they speak.   In the moment though,  this comment brought up every feeling I’ve ever had about my body, being viewed by other people as different, unattractive, and unlovable.  It wasn’t even the words spoken, it was the implication that because something looked “abnormal” there was something wrong with me that needed improvement.  I didn’t like been seen like this, because it didn’t feel accurate at all

The angels let me know that when we feel judged by others, this is a sign that something doesn’t match up with our true selves, our spiritual essence, our truth.    This is why we feel pain, because our true self our higher self only  celebrates what is loving and wonderful about us.  There are no real “flaws” nothing that needs to be “fixed.”  When we feel judged by others, we know something s off.  we are also judging ourselves.  It’s a sign we are placing too much weight on the opinions of other people and not giving ourselves enough self-love.

This took the focus completely away from the comments that initially pushed forward my feelings,  It brought the focus away from anything external including the other personality.    It  brought things right back to center –  back within.  The only person who has power over my feelings is me.  I can choose to let one person’s perception of my physical body bother me, or I can choose the truth I know.

 I have chosen come into a body that deals with some challenges to learn important lessons spiritually;   I know it looks a heck of a lot worse to an outside bystander than it actually feels for me..  I am so much more than my body, and deep down I love the person that I am,  I try on a daily basis not to focus on my illusion of “flaws.”  It isn’t always easy, that is the journey.  I try to focus on being the best person I can be.  I make the choice to be of service to others and to the world.

I consider it a personal mission to help people feel connected to the loving essence present in everything.  Once we are aware of this love and it’s power, we become acquainted with how wonderful we really are.  Potential becomes  limitless, and miracles occur everywhere.  This is why working with angels is my calling.

Not long after this experience where I felt judged, I was at the health food store getting groceries I met a lady there who kindly helped me pack my buggy,  She asked me during the course of our conversation, what physical condition I was dealing with.  When I told her Cerebral Palsy, she was visibly shocked, and went on to explain that fro her perspective a person could not tell it was so mild which is why she asked.

I knew this was the angels way of showing me an example of how the same thing cam be perceived differently.  One experience was completely out of alignment with the truth of who I am, which is why I felt the pain of illusion judgement.

Lesson 31 in A Course In Miracles says:

I am not the victim of the world I see.”

We are certainly not, since we create our own reality.  These two closely linked incidents were powerful teachers that I wanted to share.  May they shed light for all of you who read this.