

Getting Out Of The Way

So, I haven’t blogged in a long time, but recently felt a really strong pull to share with all of you reading this right now!  As a student of A Course Miracles, the course has brought so much peace and joy.  A constant practice of mind training, and having the courage to fully embrace  and look at all of the things that come up that do not feel comfortable or peaceful.  These are forgiveness opportunities.  No matter how icky and gross they may feel in the moment (and boy they can feel disgusting).   Underneath that discomfort, is a deep sense of gratitude at being able to see in a new way.  To exchange a seeming grievance for peace, to make the transition from fear to love.
There is always deep peace beyond any fear, because as the course says, “Only Love Is Real”.  “Nothing real (eternal) can be threatened, nothing unreal (temporary) exists.”   Recently, while filming a video for the upcoming  Miracle Share Virtual Conference. there was opportunity to revisit many false beliefs  that no longer serve.  Filming video of “me” “the projected self” was completely new, having never attempted  a video before – ever.  At the time I felt I just couldn’t get it right, couldn’t position myself correctly to look natural and straight on into the camera lens.
Prior to choosing the path of “A Course In Miracles” I didn’t have photos of “me” out in the open or on social media.  Have come to love and appreciate photos in a new way which is why filming this video felt like a kick to the stomach.   The discomfort stemming from knowing that the projected image in the camera in truth is NOT me.  But fear and worry behind the concept that what the body’s eyes see and what I was making that concept mean WITHOUT love was the issue.  In my mind, I used the symbol of the body  as a means of attack rather than a means communicating love.  There was that loud vicious voice in the mind again –  
“You aren’t beautiful, you are ugly. ”  “All anyone is going to see when they watch this is the label you hate, the label that makes you ugly and separate, unworthy and un-lovable, “disabled person.” The voice was so loud, so vicious  and so unbearable, there was a moment where it felt like all power was being sucked to it.  Shrinking did feel more inviting then.  If no one ever saw the video, there would be safety in that, wouldn’t there??
Choose again.
Thank god A Course In Miracles teaches to run toward whatever feels uncomfortable and yucky as an opportunity for forgiveness, to see in a new way when that discomfort is transmuted with true vision being peace and love.  The practice of running authentically toward whatever feels scary has been truly invaluable. We are spirit, we are love itself.  We are not guilt ridden beliefs that may arise about the projected image of the body.  “Not for one moment does the body exist at all.”
 The body is outside you, and but SEEMS to surround you, shutting you off from others, and keeping you apart from them. It is not there.There IS no barrier between God and His Son, nor can His Son be separated from himself except in illusions. This is not his reality, though he believes it is.”  A Course In Miracles Ch 18 The Dream & Reality pg 438.
Processing the experience meant being willing to look at my discomfort, feel it and become still and quiet enough to look at it differently.  All the while acutely aware there was a part of the mind that did NOT want to be here looking at this.  Instead wanted to stay in the place of loathing and judging the  projection of the concept of the body.  Once quiet and sill the truth unmistakable.
Get out of your own way, strong and beautiful,one you are already the international speaker and beacon of light you think you are still becoming. No one sees your perceived flaws but your misperceiving mind. Put it all aside.Be bold, be vulnerable, be seen. Move forward in gentleness, accept your True Beauty.  You are Light.  SHINE.” 
Instant Peace.  Often we let things stand in our way, and the only thing that keeps us stuck is the meaning we don’t know we’ve given.  Peace and love is all we truly want.  Nothing is worth the absence of it, and we get out of our own way allowing the voice of Spirit to transmute and replace anything that isn’t the truth.  All that is left is love, and love is all there is to communicate.






4 comments on “Getting Out Of The Way
  1. Beautiful Deedre, thank you for lighting the way … you are gorgeous inside and out … a true blessing. I soooo love the message you’ve shared here, actually what you’ve shared here has ROCKED my world, thank you!!! Sparkles of love from my heart to yours xo

  2. Deedre on said:

    I love you Kath! Thank you for your beautiful share, and for the blessing that you are! Love and hugs!! xo

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