Monthly Archives: July 2014


You Are Beautiful

I haven’t blogged in a long while.  I’m the type of person that needs to feel very passionate and moved to speak before I will venture out and say anything.  I haven’t felt called to blog in recent months, not because there isn’t a plethora of topics to write about, rather, I’m always thinking about content – something that might hold some meaning, or speak to the heart.

We humans are very critical of our earthly costumes.  When I say costume, I mean our physical bodies.  The container that is the wrapper of our Soul.  This physical body container is not who we really are, yet the human condition of the world we “see” with the body’s physical eyes creates the illusion that the physical body is our identity.


If you are reading this right now, I want to share with you that you ARE beautiful.  Exactly as you are, right NOW!  You are beautiful and perfect, BECAUSE of your  essence.  You do not need to “fix,” “force” or “be happy when…” you make some external change  to the the physical body container.  (Diet, exercise, clothing, cosmetics, acquiring all the right “worldly possessions,” or even “earning a certain income”, or having a certain “specific goal.” Beauty has no gender, no “ideal” shape or size.  Beauty isn’t measured by standards or rules of conformity. The latter, are all ego concepts based on separation.   True beauty is the Divine Light that shines brightly within everyone.  It is knowing that you are not your past or your future.  It is knowing that LOVE is who you are, and LOVE is what you extend forward while having a physical experience here in the world.

Beauty is not something to achieve. outside, because we already have it within.  Often we’ve just covered our light with a muddy film – because we’ve forgotten who we are.  We unconsciously choose to “see”/create flaws, that are illusion.  In truth, there is only perfection. This is something I continue to accept.

Your worth is established by God.  NOTHING can change this.”

-A Course In Miracles

While there’s nothing “wrong” with diets and self-improvement techniques of various kinds, the root of true beauty & self esteem comes from learning to accept yourself exactly as you are in the NOW.

Like Lady Gaga’s fabulous song “Born This Way,” demonstrates:

“I’m beautiful in my way
‘Cause God makes no mistakes
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don’t hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you’re set
I’m on the right track, baby
I was born this way.”

Love, Deedre