Monthly Archives: May 2013

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The Art Of Surrender

Surrender and release have been an area of great challenge and development for me. As I continue to work with the angels – I am learning more and more that this is an area many of us struggle with. The idea of trying to “go out there and make things happen” is so common in the world today. As I really examine my life and past decisions I made I realize that I liked to feel in control. Always in pursuit of the elusive “Next thing.”

I’ll be happy when I have that good grade or job,” I’ll be happy when I make more money. I’ll be happy when so and so reacts this way or that way in response to me. I’ll feel loved when Fill in the blank.

Before I began my work with angels and my study of “A Course In Miracles.” I really had no concept of this idea that in this world of form, we’re living amid this concept of the split mind. The ego, the voice of fear identifies us as a body that is separate from spirit, love, truth, divinity, the part of us that is eternally love.

I came to a place I realized I had been spending most of my existence feeling bad about the past, blaming myself for things I couldn’t change (things that ultimately were blessings and learning opportunities that got me to the place I am in today). If I wasn’t feeling bad about the past, I was obsessively worried about the future. What would happen next? what did things mean? What if I made another huge mistake? Where was the next money going to come from? Worry worry worry. The fear was so big, I couldn’t focus on anything else. I was either stuck in the past, depressed and miserable, or trapped in an endless cycle thinking no matter what my goal was – I would somehow mess it up. I wanted to plan out as much as I could, because in my planning – I thought was my influence over the outcome. My grip on the future so tight, there was no joy to the process or the journey at all. I was never at peace.

Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety.”

– A Course In Miracles.

Learning to let go has been one of my most challenging lessons. Often my ego likes to manipulate me into believing that holding some influence or control over outcomes gives me freedom and power in my life. The opposite is true. The more relaxed and detached I can remain in any situation, the more I trust that something much larger than me, my angels, divine energy is not only working on my behalf, but knows my true desires even better than do. The more at peace I am.  The beauty is, I can have absolutely no idea what will happen in a given situation, and still feel at peace because I can choose to trust.

Surrender and release is a daily practice. I can tell you with absolute certainty I haven’t achieved perfection with it. which isn’t the underlying message of surrender. It isn’t like you suddenly wake up knowing how to let go. For me it has been about learning to trust the spirit within, learning  NOT  to push aside fear when it comes up. Rather than looking at my fears as a weakness, choosing to embrace each experience of it – including the discomfort. Channeling that fear into prayer for the highest good has helped me find peace in many situations This has allowed me to release my preconceived ideas of what I think it is I need or want – and accept that spirit always has a brilliant plan for me.

The angels lovingly say surrender & release does not mean “giving up” on dreams or desires. It simply means allowing ourselves to let go of the struggle and pain, knowing that with faith and trust the most favorable outcome will come through and present itself.

As long as I have the willingness to trust, I can relax into any situation – even those that have results which are the opposite of what I thought I wanted.  I have the power to transform even a “crappy” situation into a blessing.  The only factor that can change is the openness with which I am willing to tap into that power.  Some days I am willing, other days, I am not.  How about you?

There is always a blessing in every situation – even if it takes time to recognize the blessing it’s there, waiting  to meet with willingness to receive it.