Category Archives: Angels


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To Receive, First You Must Ask

giftIn the last year, I’ve made the commitment to myself, to eat organically grown food, to avoid chemicals as much as possible, to eliminate processed sugar, caffeine, and finally to transition to a vegan diet (currently in process). I want to preface the former statement by saying, all of these things I have felt guided to do.

I am by no means suggesting that this is the “How to eat a good diet” type of story. We’re all different, with unique metabolisms, no two people are going to eat the same way.  Always follow your personal guidance

I know without question,  that I have been divinely guided every step of the way to make dietary and lifestyle changes. I have become extremely sensitive, which also includes making the transition to non-chemical natural-based household cleaners. One of my favorite product lines for Natural cleaners is Seventh Generation. (More on that in another blog!)

This brings me to a story I felt guided to share. Yesterday, I went out shopping to my local natural health-food store. I have become a frequent shopper to this store, and I was given a gift certificate as a birthday gift from some friends. It had taken me a considerable amount of time to redeem the gifted amount, and in that time, amongst the shuffle of papers, I had misplaced my copy of the redeem slip for the certificate. I should mention, here, that for the last several months, my angels have been guiding me to work on my giving to receiving ratio, lovingly telling me that my capacity to allow myself to receive is far out of balance with my comfort level in giving to others. The angels also tell me, I am not alone.

Many of us struggle with this, which is the very thing that inspired me to write this blog. For many years, I have been acutely sensitive, to “bothering” people, worrying about “inconveniencing” them, “putting people out” or not allowing anything or anyone to “fuss” over me.

Another classic example of my inability to allow myself to receive was with complements. Even until very recently, (I’d say the last 2 months), if someone gave me a compliment, I would find a way to either deflect what was said, and shift the conversation back to the other person, or flat-out deny the compliment literally, and declare myself unworthy of it. In either case, I was refusing to receive or accept the love given from others. Isn’t that sneaky? In the past I didn’t even realize, I was denying myself. But, I sure have noticed, now that I am making a conscious effort to shift, allow and receive compliments by taking them in, and saying thank you!

Are you unknowingly denying yourself opportunities to receive?

As I waited at the till in the health food store for my grocery total, my intuition spoke so loud it was deafening. “Ask about your gift certificate!” I did just that. I had no attachment to whatever would happen, I simply trusted I was being guided. I explained how I’d misplaced the slip, but wondered if the store might have a record of a purchased gift certificate?

The clerk was happy to check for me, and after a few moments of searching, was able to produce the receipt with my name on it!  The store happy to honour my voucher.

The clerk herself unknowingly confirmed the intuitive voice of my angels and guides. She gave me validation, I had heard, and followed though as I was guided. “You don’t ask, you don’t get!” She smiled.

If I had spent time playing small and worrying about asking, as I have done so many times before, I would have missed out on a lovely opportunity to receive, thank you, Angels. xo

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The Importance Of Self Love

I’ll be frank as I have been in all of my bog posts.  Self love has been a core issue in my life.  It is still something I work on even as I write this.  For a long time, I didn’t posses much self love at all, because truthfully I was in a place emotionally I didn’t feel I deserved it.  This has been one of my biggest ego hooks.  Now that I have been set on the path of my life purpose working with the angels and guides to uplift and inspire others and assist in the process of removing the blocks to the love that exists within people; I know that I was meant to have the experiences I created in my life, so that I can relate to others who may be experiencing the same. Self Love

Letting go, being gentle with myself and being silly haven’t really been easy for me, not since childhood, but my angels and guides continue to help me understand that fun and play are not just something to do for the simple pleasure of it, but that acts of self-love, pleasure and fun are vital to leading a balanced and joyous life.  I have found a common theme amongst clients that I work with; people carry a significant amount of guilt over allowing ourselves to let loose, have fun, be silly relax ect.  We condition our minds often unconsciously to believe that life is hard, we must work all hours to be successful.

We convince ourselves that there isn’t enough time in the day to get important tasks done.  We believe we must work hard to “get some result “out there” that we think will make us happy, 

We set high standards for ourselves and then when we don’t feel we meet out goal, we sit in judgement, we blame ourselves and we create a type of hamster effect where we’re always in search of the elusive next result, and we certainly forget to love ourselves in the process.

I’ve made a pact with myself to be silly at least once a day,  I also set aside time everyday to honour myself – no matter how busy I am or what my deadlines are.  Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t easy especially on the nights that I feel I should keep working.  It takes effort, but I’ve spent years doing the opposite.  I already know that doesn’t work!  The more I can show myself forgiveness and compassion, the happier I feel.  And if I treat myself with respect, I will attract people who will treat me the same way.

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Meditation – Am I doing it Right?

If you are anything like me ad you spent spent a good portion of your life feeling like you are s spiritual person, knowing you believe in the concept of God, source energy, the creator, higher self and spirit,  regardless of your religious beliefs; then maybe you are also like me and you spent a good portion of your life being weird ed out by the idea of meditation.

Hey its ok if you find meditation to be uncomfortable and strange.  That's the motivation behind this blog post. 

I hope that by sharing my own experience and growth with meditation, I can help soothe and simplify the process with you.

Meditation is gentle and all too often, whether we are new at it or whether we feel seasoned in our practice we all tend to judge our meditation ability.  There is no right or wrong way to meditate.  We are all unique people which is a beautiful thing to be embraced and celebrated.  Meditation is about quieting the mind.  It is about relaxation, peace and communication with divine energy.


 IMG_0552Our human tenancy is such that we have ideas about what we think mediation should be and if we hold those images up to our experience of meditation, we start to create the belief that we are doing it wrong.  I will use some of my own experiences with meditation as examples: 

When I began my meditation practice I placed a lot of expectation on myself to find stillness quickly,  I have perfectionist tendencies and so, sitting in the energy of expecting perfection blocked my progress. 

I got irritated with myself if I couldn't block out background noises or the sound of m own thoughts.  I was frustrated if a guided meditation called for me to visualize, and I couldn't seem to bring the image to my mind. 

The pressure I was putting on myself to be an expert at meditation was preventing me from creating the peace and communication with spirit that I was seeking, want to be clear though, that meditation is a journey not a destination.  Some days you will feel a stronger connection than others. 


There may or may not be days when you feel a wonderful profound connection to spirit, and there may be days when things just don't gel, and you feel frustrated and uncomfortable.  That's completely natural.  As humans we tend to be very hard on ourselves, at least I know I am.  But as I progress with my daily meditation I've learned to relax more with it and accept that there is no set of rules for the way meditation is "supposed to be"  I have found the key is in gentle acceptance of what the meditation experience is for you.

Here are some brief suggestions that you may want to use to simplify your meditation process:

1) Focus on your breathing

Allow yourself the time and the comfort to feel your inhalation and exhalation breath.  You may want to close your eyes depending on what is comfortable for you.  Sometimes our human nature may get caught up in our "meditation tools" such as music, length of time, or how we position ourselves during meditation, I have found simplifying to breath to be really important,  When I forget to breathe, my body automatically tenses.  I have also helps when I remember to allow my exhalation breath to be twice as long as my inhale, my relation deepens and my connection to the divine energy deepens too.If you find it hard to focus on your breath, you might want to try taking your pulse and connecting first to the beat of your heart.  Next you can practice your meditation breathing though a straw – with your  exhalation breath being twice as long as your inhale,

2) Try a mixture of techniques and  meditation music styles.

 Pay close attention to how you feel while trying each type.  Notice the feelings in your body, choose what makes you feel most at ease.  Don't be afraid to change styles, techniques, teachers or background sound as time goes on.  Change is a natural part of the process as well, and stagnate energy is sometimes created when we established predictable routines,

3) Practice self love and acceptance of where you are at. 

Allow your mediation to be perfect as it in each moment.  The more you can embrace the feelings, thoughts and distractions that occur and simply allow them to be present without resistance, the more gentle, relaxing and peaceful your practice will become with time.

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Spirit Junkie

Spirit Junkie was the first book I read when spirit guided me to the astounding coaching work of Gabrielle Bernstein.  You can read more about my blessed journey to my intuitive coaching work with angels by reading my blog most My Journey To Angels. Gabby became a mentor of mine and her book “Spirit Junkie” quite literally transformed me.

  Spirit Junkie When I read the book, I could relate so much to her story.  Although the details of our lives were very different, we had both overcome adversity in our lives to be guided toward inquisitive coaching work,  Gabby’s teachings are inspired by a metaphysical  spiritual text called A course In Miracles.  Spirit Junkie is her personal autobiography detailing her journey as both a teacher and a student of the course.

One of Gabby’s many gifts lies in her ability to take the often heady text of A Course In Miracles and demystify it’s core concepts making them more accessible to a younger generation (The very reason I was guided to her work and resonated so deeply with how she communicated course principles). Spirit Junkie was my first exposure to A Course In Miracles and it was enough for me to know from a profound place inside  that the course was an integral part of my path. fear

I too consider myself both a student and a teacher of A course In Miracles. Let me delve briefly in to some fundamental A Course In Miracles concepts At the core of the course is the key concept of the split mind. We all have an ego. The part of our mind that is the fear voice. The part of our minds that believes we are separate from spirit, God, source, spirit whatever you want to call the energy of spiritual truth. When we are tuning into the ego (the voice of fear) it is often unconscious because no one would willingly choose fear if they knew there was a better way. That fear voice unknowingly causes us to turn away from the voice of truth which is love, self love, spirit, forgiveness and faith. The ego’s tiny mad idea , and we as Gabby calls it causes our ego mind to create false projections of our reality, and we carry those projections with us and replay them over and over again in our belief systems about ourselves,, our relationships with other people, and even our perceptions of past events and situations. It isn’t that the voice of spirit aka love isn’t always within us, it’s that the voice of fear (ego) blocks the truth that love is already there.

Through the process of forgiveness we bring the voice of fear into the light and remove blocks to the awareness of loves presence. Sounds pretty deep right? It is. But it’s actually much simpler  than it sounds. It’s the ego part of our mind that makes things complicated. Because once we shed light on fear it has no power over us any longer and love illumines every area of our life. I can’t even begin to describe how much this book has been trans formative in my life and helped me release crazy crap that was holding me hostage.  I would recommend it to anyone.  Even if you disagree with some of the material, you are bound to glean insight from it.

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Learning To Say “No” With Love

For most of my life I believed saying no to someone was selfish, that somehow by saying no I wasn’t being spiritual or in the act of saying no I was giving up the chance to be of service to someone or something.  This in turn lead to feelings of guilt, an endless spiral of blaming myself or feeling bad for something I’d perceived I’d done “wrong,”    I worried endlessly that saying “no” somehow made me a bad person.  Especially if energetically I felt that the other person expected or needed me to say yes. Then, I felt  had no choice but to swallow my feelings and agree to what was being asked of me:

1) Because deep down I love helping people, it is so important to me to  be of service to others.


2) Because I just couldn’t bear the thought of  hurting or disappointing anyone – even people I didn’t know.


3) Because I was afraid to set boundaries.  I wanted people to like and approve of me

I had heard people speak about “owning your power” constructively, but I think I was too polite and soft – too much of a people-pleaser

to understand the difference between stepping into assertive power with kindness versus being afraid of becoming hard, mean, bitter and abusive of my personal power when using it with other people.

In the last year, I  have been on a deeply personal journey learning to accept myself for who I am, learning to embrace my psychic and intuitive gifts as part of my life purpose and my true calling.  Each is a process including learning to be comfortable saying “no” to certain  people or situations.  I am learning that sometimes saying no is the most loving thing to be done.   I’ve learned that I am not serving with pure intention and love if I say I will do something,, but deep down  feel uncomfortable.  That uncomfortable feeling is my intuition speaking up and telling me something doesn’t feel right.


Sometimes saying “no” is an act of self-care, and your intuition will tell you the difference between whether it is time to walk away from a situation completely  versus whether it is simply time for you to stay the course, face your fear step out of your comfort zone.  If you take the time to sit and stillness and get in touch with your genuine feelings, the  answer will come to you. I recently had an opportunity where I needed to say no.  It wasn’t an easy decision because I haven’t said no to many things personally or professionally.  This particular situation gave me the unmistakable message I needed to walk away.  My personal energy was depleted, I didn’t feel positive about the project in question, I wasn’t being treated with respect, and ultimately the clients highest good wasn’t being served the way things stood.   Saying no in this case was an act of love, done in the best interest of all with kindness and compassion.

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My Journey To Angels

As a child, I knew I was intuitive, but I chose to turn away from it.  I wanted to fit in, and I was desperate for approval.  I wanted to be liked and  to belong.  I always had a deep sense of spirituality.  Without question, I have always believed in God, source, energy love and angels, but I found that talking about any of these subjects at any depth was intimidating for people and I felt I was labeled as “odd.”  I already had enough that made me different (or so I perceived), I chose the path of fear.  It’s Ironic really, I wanted to experience love so much that I was willing to go anywhere outside myself to get it.  The funny thing is – love must exist within first.  Nothing “out there” ie: other people, status, recognition. promotion, relationships or other things outside can “fill up” what we feel may be lacking in our lives.

 Angels This brings me to my connection with angels.  I’ve already mentioned that I chose to turn away from my intuitive abilities.  After several years of looking outside myself in virtually every area of my life – I was deeply lost, depressed and disconnected from spirit.  I had reached an all time low in terms of how I felt about myself.  My higher self knew that my destiny was to be of service to comfort and uplift, teach , speak, and consult but I was so desolate I couldn’t con-sieve of how I would find my calling.  All I knew at the time was that I was determined to heal the parts of mt life that had brought me to such a breaking point.  I had been “diagnosed” with a form of anxiety disorder,  and at the time felt that everything I knew to be true in my life was crumbling around me.  I knew in that moment that this current reality I was living was not my truth. I remember sitting on my couch filled with so much emotional pain that my body ached.   I didn’t know it then, but my extreme sensitivity to energies had caused my to carry other people’s pain and suffering as well as my own.  With tears blurring my vision I began to ask heaven for help.  My intuition was screaming at me that there had to be a better way than this.  My higher self was right – there was.  Today, every value I once held has shifted.  I now know the value that coping with extreme anxiety has taught me, and that I can shift my own perception of anything with the help of the angels, spirit, and the inner voice of love we all share. Spirit intervened for me and I was guided to take to the internet.  I was guided literally to Gabrielle Bernstein’s website and she has become one of my greatest spiritual teachers and mentors.   Just a side note about being guided – I had absolutely no idea where the guidance was taking me.  I just knew it felt 100% right for me.  That’s the way guidance works for all of us.  We all have an inner voice that speaks truth, and we have an intuitive knowing when we follow the path that is meant for us.  When I was lead to Gabby’s work, I knew I was home.  I began a daily meditation practice even though I had never really meditated before.I changed my diet, began taking yoga  I knew the key to my health and happiness was change.  With meditation. and exposure to the uplifting spiritual teachings of Gabrielle Bernstein, Abraham Hicks, Marianne Williamson and Louis Hay I have been set on a life long process of creating  genuine inner peace and happiness in my life. After two months of learning to listen to the voice of my guidance, studying the incredible work of Gabrielle Bernstein and A Course In Miracles; and continuing with my meditation process, one day I was listening to Gabrielle’s weekly radio show Spirit Junkie on Hay House Radio featuring an angel communicator. I instantly resonated with the gentleman being interviewed on the show, and my intuition was once again loudly speaking to me to continue investigating the connection I have felt with angels since childhood.  Anytime I was investigating anything involving angels and spiritual teaching,  I felt alive and incredibly calm and peaceful.  The more I learned, the more I felt that my life purpose.  I booked a session for myself with that same angel communicator from the radio show. During the session, I received confirmation of my natural intuitive ability, my connection to angels and that my life purpose involved spiritual counseling and using my gifts to support, uplift. motivate and serve others.  I was vigilant in my meditation practice and spiritual learning.  I asked the angels to continue guiding me along my path.

I asked for miracles, and the more I asked, the more they materialized.  With the help of the angels I was blessed to receive certified Holistic Angel Coach™ training with Monick Halm & Nina Jasmine from Life Alchemy School.  My life as a result of this training and other influences Spirit and the angels have infused as blessings have completely transformed me from the inside out.  I am now using my intuitive gifts and natural talents as a leader speaker and teacher, and equally a student to help others progress in their lives.  This is my life purpose, my calling, and a genuine blessing I will always be thankful for.

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Unconditional Love From Pets

If you are an animal person who has always had a special spiritual connection with animals, then you probably know the innocent and unconditional love experienced by having a pet.  Animals have souls like people do.  Just like every other relationship in our life, pets are divinely assigned gifts from God to help us progress spiritually and experience unconditional love.

Animals pick up on our energies, and their purpose is to love unconditionally, and to absorb negative energies.

They offer us comfort and companionship that is pure. The bond of love that exists between pets and their owners is eternal and exists beyond time and space.  This is why from a spiritual perspective, when the body leaves this plane of the physical world and the soul enters non-physical, our pets loving energy remains connected to us while we remain in our physical bodies, and even beyond that when we enter non-physical.  Animals teach us about our capacity to love and offer unconditional comfort and protection.  The only thing they want in return is love. Have you ever spent time observing your pet?  A wonderful thing about animals which provides a great lesson for humans is that their  focus is always on the present moment.  They only know the here and now. With the exception of situations of serious  animal abuse, animals have no use for thoughts of the past, nor do they dwell in worry of future events.  Animals are perfect embodiments of what it means to just “be” in the moment.  They live in a constant state of presence.


I often refer to my little 3lb Yorkshire Terrier as an angel in my life.  I truly believe she is.  Even before I got her I knew I wanted a very small Yorkie.  It took about a year to manifest this desire everything from her name to the material means for her care was brought to me out of desire, to have her, the strength of my faith I would have a dog, my unwavering focus on what I wanted, and the strength of my belief that I was worthy of achieving my desire.  Ever since, my little Emily has been a constant source of joy, love and comfort.   She is a blessing I will always be thankful for