Monthly Archives: July 2013

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A Shift In Perception About “Judgement.”

Mother Teresa was once quoted as saying “If you judge people, you have no room to love them.’  This is a beautiful statement rooted in spiritual truth.  My experiences in my own life, and in sharing of the experiences of others have shed light on some insight linked to Mother Teresa’s words.  People get quite hung up on the idea of judgement.  The ego is crafty.  Most of us recognize when we have made a perceived judgement of ourselves or someone else.  Where we become trapped; is on the fact that we make judgements in the first place.  The ego loves to use our judgements as a means to induce guilt and pain.

A Course In Miracles teaches that it is human nature to make  judgements,and that we needn’t concern  ourselves in our experiences with “stopping” or punishing our judgements.  The course goes on to state that indeed we will continue to judge, we simply have none that we will keep.

“The necessary condition for the holy instant does not require that you have no thoughts that are not pure. But it does require that you have none that you would keep.”

– A Course In Miracles

A miracle, then, from A Course In Miracles perspective is a shift in perception from fear to love.  Rather than beat ourselves up for the egos judgements, we can always choose love and acceptance over fear.  This is the beauty in Mother Teresa’s statement.  When the gentle miracle occurs, and we allow love to enter shifting our perception, fear no longer is the dominant voice.  Love enters.  The Miracle manifests, and illusion, fear and judgement are exchanged for contentment.

A few days ago, I was in a situation where I received a text message from someone I had never met before.  The body of the message was aggressively phrased.  My ego immediately went to work judging the message, and the person who had sent it.  I observed myself having the desire to change the way this individual was speaking, to “correct” them and “show” them the “right way to respond in the situation at hand.  Instead of judging my ego’s reaction, and making myself feel worse about my initial response, I was able to recognize within this exchange that my ego was simply reacting first.  I could choose love instead.  I asked for guidance from my angels, and the answer I received was that I didn’t need to change anything to view the situation as it happened, with a loving mindset.  In other words, let the exchange be what it was.  Accept it without trying to change or influence it.

Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world.”

– A Course In Miracles

In allowing our encounter to be, and accepting our viewpoints in their unique forms of expression, I was being encouraged to shift my perception from “right” versus “wrong” to simply two equally valid viewpoints as viewed from two uniquely vivid energies.

The angels also lovingly encouraged me to release my irritation with the other person.  They lovingly assured me that letting go of my anger didn’t suggest that my feelings about the situation weren’t justified.

“Releasing anger doesn’t equate to condoning behavior that isn’t warranted, it simply means being willing to let go of that which is hurting you (your anger), in exchange for what will bring you happiness and peace.”